Thursday, June 07, 2007

so it's been awhile

I haven't posted in awhile. No particular reason, I'm just lazy.

Someone at work brought in Jolly Ranchers and I noticed that some were blue. I made a comment to the person who brought them in and she said that the flavor for that one was Blue Rape. An unfortunate mashing of two flavors, Blue Raspberry and Grape. I then went and took this picture to email to her.

This next picture is a Lotus Elise that I saw on the road.

That's all it's just a rad car.

A little further down the freeway I drove by this truck. From what I could see, these were sauna's. I couldn't tell if they were actually old beer kegs or not but they were pretty great either way.

1 comment:

Jeremy Ryan Carr said...

Fuck it! I AM buying a Lotus. Done deal.