Thursday, July 12, 2007

My constant struggle not to hate Microsoft

ok, so

At work we have two depatments, graphics and customer service. All of the graphics kids work on Mac's, while the customer service folks have remote terminals that use a Windows machine. While computers are never perfect and both systems have their quirks I, with only a slight bias, can say that Mac's are definitley easier to mantain and use in general.

Here is a perfect example.

When you send an email these days you generally only type the first couple letters of the persons name and then the computer will give you a list of names that it thinks you want. This is generally awesome, but what happens if say you type a name in wrong and then it gets in your list. So instead of sending to it will go to because that was the last address you typed in that starts with "mac".

On a Mac all you do is right click on the address after you type it in and select "Remove from Previous Recipients List", done.

With Windows you have to edit the frickin registry file and delete the whole history it has for Outlook.

This is what I have to say to Microsoft.

UPDATE: I guess you can just highlight the contact in Outlook and then hit the Delete key to get rid of it from the list. Previously I was using the Backspace key, instead of the actual Delete. I forget that Windows makes a distinction between the two. I still am leaning towards hating Microsoft though.


silverfoxology said...

The Apple store guys wanted to know why I was buying my first Mac. Rather than go into all the idiotic things that Windows does, I simply said I've just had it up to here with Microsoft and I'm done.

I love my Mac. It makes me happy every day because it works and doesn't need to be updated every day, and it doesn't insist on doing things automatically that I don't want it to do.

See, I could go on forever about how much Windows sucks.

Beth said...

So much word. Today I attempted to move a file from one computer to another via THREE DIFFERENT FLASH DRIVES. NOT ONE FREAKING Windows machine could recognize any two of them. Three different computers each recognized one, but not either of the other two, flash drives. Unfortunately, they couldn't recognize the SAME flash drives.

And I don't even want to talk about the printer drivers. I'm going to set the whole office on fire.