Monday, August 20, 2007

Separated at Birth?

Matthew Barney

Apple Mighty Mouse Package

Think about it.

p.s. on reviewing songs for Kwanamas this year I fell more in love with Iron & Wine's cover of Such Great Heights. It is so awesome it makes me hurt.

p.p.s. why isn't separated spelled seperated. like maintenance should be maintainence. stupid english.


silverfoxology said...

Wrap your head around this: spelled phonetically isn't.

Jeremy Ryan Carr said...

D.V.D. you just blew my mind.
My Mighty Mouse came in a cellophane sleeve instead of a box because it came with my computer. Also I never use it. I love my Logitech.

D-£ said...

Yes, the Mighty Mouse is terrible. Once the scroll ball gets dirty you have to cut the bottom bezel off to get to it. Oh well, they get almost everything else right.