Saturday, September 13, 2008

Goodbye Dear Friends

I have a fairly serious relationship with most t-shirts that I own. Nearly every shirt I have brings to mind a detailed memory. This is how I remember things best, by associating some object with the thing I want to remember. Consequently I have a hard time getting rid of things because it is like getting rid of a memory. Also when I was a kid it took me forever to clean my room because it would turn into a reminiscing session.


I found a pattern for turning old t-shirts into baby onsie things. So now I have to go through my old memories and figure out which ones I want to turn into new memories.

So I say goodbye to these old memories.

p.s. If anyone reads ancient greek and can tell me what that blue shirt says that would be super.


*mara* said...

omg. had that same ARA shirt with calvin. loves it.

D-£ said...

Who do you think I got it from? Proving once again that you are cooler than I am.

*mara* said...

you got that from ME? gawrsh, my memory is failing me.