I have never really been a sports person. I was on the tennis team in 7th and 8th grade, and once I played a football game. That's about it. A few years ago, my good friend Dan and I found ourselves temporarily confined to the bustling metropolis of Laramie, Wy. This shirt sums up my feelings on Wyoming perfectly.
It was just Dan and I in a very small dorm "room." So doing as dudes do, we played a lot of video games while drinking copious amounts of alcohol. To digress just once more, I discovered my favorite beer, Fat Tire*, while we were there. This was one of the good things that happened while in Wyoming.
Dan is a big fan of the John Madden games, and just EA Sports games in general. I liked Madden on the Genesis, but hadn't really played since then. When I say "played" I mean "pushed buttons and sometimes didn't suck." I wasn't any better initially but Dan helped me out with the mechanics of football and eventually it was fun to play. I don't think I ever beat him, but at least I knew why.
So know I like football. Sort of. I like college football more, but the NFL is ok, I guess.
At any rate I was watching the Vikings/Bears game today. Well the last quarter of the Vikings/Bears game actually. I think the Vikings were up by at least a touchdown when I stated watching. This surprised me enough to warrant my attention, if only briefly. I'm not going to give you a blow by blow cause I'm not good at that, suffice it to say the game ended with a career long kick by the Vikings to win 31-34. All in all a fantastic end to a game.
So know I like football. Sort of.
I don't really know how to feel about that.
* incidentally Fat Tire recently became available in my area, but it's not as good after the truck ride.
Yeah, the end of that Vikings-Bears game was pretty fantastic.
That was one of the most exciting games I've seen in a very long time. Both teams' offense played very well but the defense sucked for both sides. Still, weak defense and strong offense = exciting game.
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