I have been busy and apologize for the lateness of my reply.
I recently started, and stopped, working a part-time job at Target. They opened a new one practically down the road from me and I needed some extra money. I wanted it to be a wholly boring and mundane thing. Working for Target is neither of those things. I packed it in after a few scant weeks because my level of regard for the job was several steps below theirs, plus I was working way to much. They were sad to see me go but I suspect someone much less capable will fill my position in no time.
You can take this job and re-staff it.
Also recently...
I received this receiver for free from a co-worker who did not want it anymore. It is the newest addition to the long list of free stereo equipment I have procured over the years. The phono input and volume work perfectly so it is leagues better than my last one. The radio tuner seems to be out, but whatever. It was free.
I also have acquired another delicious free thing from work, but you will have to wait to see that.
Very recently...
These are pictures I took of this eve's sun set. Pretty crazy stuff.
After adjusting the levels of that last one a little...

the pictures of the sunsets just made my day.
(and by made my day, i mean to say that when S. McLaughlin called in the midst of my frantic, minnesota-bound, month-early packing, i said, "Dude, Derek had these pictures of sunsets that made me want to come home." to which S. McLaughlin replied, "Dude, I bet to see them would be to weep.")
Praise from Buddha. Thank you maija. Sincerely.
that is one thing we can all agree upon.
That last picture looks like a vision of the apocalypse.
thankee sai
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